It all seems so easy for successful people .
They have it all going for them
They are so lucky
How do you become someone who succeeds?
How do you become one of the lucky ones ?
What do all these people have in common?
Richard Branson
Oprah Winfrey
Charlie Theron
J K Rowling
Nelson Mandela
Stephen King
Jim Carey
Johnny Depp
David Arquette
Walt Disney
Sochiro Honda
Hilary Swank
Sylvester Stalone
An endless list
Here in New Zealand in 1944, 740 children - Polish refugees - were brought to Pahiatua.
They had nothing, not even family. They were barely accepted into the community. They had no clothes or shoes. They lived in poverty. Yet from this hardship they created a life. One example - Margaret Doucas - went on to donate a large part of her life to the SPCA and millions of dollars to them on her death.
What do they all have in common?:
These people had a difficult childhood.....
These people had much adversity......
These people failed time and time again......
Do you think you could have success?
What help would you need to achieve this ?
You have a choice:
Don’t give up.
Use your ‘hard’ to achieve greatness, or sit back and enjoy your easy life & give to others.
And don’t be afraid to ask for help !