Which part - the one that tells you you aren’t good enough?
Your subconscious wants to talk
We talk to ourselves all the time
Do we actually listen and if so which bit do we listen to
Anxious people listen to their anxious thoughts
Negative people listen to the negative thoughts
But should we
Is this a good idea
If a negative person talks to you all the time - do you listen. And would you want to listen? Wouldn't you just end up feeling negative
What questions do you ask yourself
Or do you just let your thoughts ramble
Sometimes a directed discussion with yourself is helpful:
How am I feeling today
What is best for me today
So if we don’t always want to listen to ourselves because it's not a good idea - then WHEN do we want to listen and WHAT bits should we listen to
There are answers to these questions in our subconscious
But many of us can’t access it
So we are left using our conscious
And sometimes that is biased. So we don’t get the real answer
Interestingly - some people can listen better to their subconscious in certain areas of their life.
Maybe business, or social, or romantic, or finance.
When your subconscious wants to talk it tells you by a feeling or emotion
It’s doesnt talk in the same way as our conscious
This is why we find it hard
When you have a feelling, especially an uncomfortable one - pay attention.
Ask what it is telling you.
You need to ask questions (these are important. This is where a life coach comes in - they are qualified to ask you the right questions
Then you need to hear the subconscious’ answers and to understand what it is telling you.
Only then can you act and act appropriately.
I can show you how.
To learn this skill - contact me today.