I was struggling with a constant and excessive ‘to-do’ list.
Never getting to the end of it.
I’m sure many can relate to this.
I realised this wasn’t working in my favour so I decided to do something about it .
When you are a child and you do well you get a reward - be it a sticker or star at school, a good grade, or encouraging words from an significant adult.
At some point we need to take over this job for ourselves - and reward ourselves
I realised that it needed to be achievable and an end.
The new plan meant that each day I had an achievable list (usually about four or five items. That’s generally enough for our brains )- so it would be completed.
Only when it’s completed am I allowed to do things I want to do.
This is my reward.
Do what I absolutely have to first then it’s choice time.
I also am allowed to add to the list.
This is a double bonus - I get extra done and I congratulate myself on doing extras .
So double rewards.
How’s your to-do list?
What changes can you make?
How can you switch it up so it works better for you?
If you are struggling - please ask for help.