Wondering how you can get ahead?
There's constantly more and more piled on you
Your kids need so much of your time
You want your kids to be happy
You're spending time running around after them
All you hear is what they are needing
Or what you need to do for them
********Do you feel this too?*********
You feel there’s no time for you
There’s no time for what you want
You come last
Your kids are priority
Once they are happy then you will be able to think about yourself
If they behaved better
You've spoken to other parents and they feel the same
Kids take up so much time and energy
Constantly struggling to keep on top of things
*******Is this sounding familiar to you*******
It's the same for everyone
Others parents are struggling too
So you tell yourself it's just life
Yet you wonder if there is a different way
It's not an easy task
Keeping so many people happy
It's no wonder there isn't time for you
So many demands on you
And you have to fit work in too!
I’ve been there too.
I have four kids
I worked hard at this.
For years
I had to stop and wonder if there's another way
Do you wonder that too
I tried many things
Have you tried things too
How can you get on top when you are constantly struggling to get the essentials done
Imagine if there is another way
And you can feel there’s less on your plate
Less on the constant ‘to do’ list
Then you have some time freed up
Some time for yourself finally
What would you do with that time.
Just imagine
That would be lovely.
I wish I’d had help
I was drowning so much that I couldn’t see the way forward
Is this how it is for you too
You’re not alone
Most parents feel this too
So what can you do?
How can you move forward?
Do you want to know how?
One step at a time
The first step is to take action.
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